Kevin Costner Net Worth 2022

Kevin Costner was born in 1955 January 18 and has acted as his career. The award -winning actor has a net worth of around $ 150 million which is a result of his involvement in the entertainment industry. The actor whose care was carried out in several locations in the US began his acting career at a young age and was given a jump by Richard Burton who talked to him about his life.

His famous career did not begin because it turned out for years, but vice versa but after a lot of hard work, he finally managed to reach the big stage in the 80s after his appearance in the film titled “The Untouchables” and after he did a big appearance in the early 90s- An in the film “Dances With Wolves” he became award -winning actor. After almost a decade in the film industry, this actor did not look much in the film and he moved to show how talent’s talent was developing by entering music. He gathered his own band and after many displayed, his best appearance was in the film industry.


              NAMEKevin Costner              NATIONALITYUnited States Of America         DATE OF BIRTH18th January 1955
          ZODIAC SIGNCapricorn           PLACE OF BIRTHLynwood, California                AGE65
                      RELIGIONChristian                 CAREERActor             HEIGHT185 cm
              SPOUSE   Christine Baumgartner                CHILDRENGrace







            WEIGHT86 kg

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